This past winter has been a long one: full of lots of cold snowy days and trying to figure out where to go to warm up. During the time of cold and dreary weather, God has brought me a refreshing springtime in my heart. I have been so enriched by the friendships I am building with fellow moms, watching Kathryn go and learn each day, and being filled with love overflowing for my husband!
Kathryn is a true joy! She started walking at 15 months, and in the past three months has now mastered the art of stair climbing, jungle gym exploring, and is beginning to move her walking to running. Kathryn is quite the young botanist and geologist-she loves picking up leaves, rocks and flowers and showing her wonderful finds to whoever might be on her adventure with her. She is so kind hearted and loves giving and receiving hugs and kisses. She also loves being tickled and now tickles you back while she says-"ticka-ticka", which is usually followed by uproarious laughter!
Here are just a few pics from the last few months: