Friday, November 20, 2009

Kathryn is almost 6 weeks and I am Back to Work!

Relaxing in her bouncy seat- Thanks Miss Shauna!

What a wonderful and crazy week. Kathryn will be 6 weeks old on Sunday and I can't believe how time flies when you are having fun. She is getting on a little more of a sleep schedule and now usually does a 5 hour stretch in the evening. This is a wonderful gift she has given us because it gives Paul and I a little couple time together(or sleep time depending on the day!).

This week I also started back to work at University of Southern Maine and at my private studio in Northboro. It has been great to work with my students again, but it is an adjustment after getting the chance to be with Kathryn all day for the past 5 weeks. It is also is giving Paul and Kathryn some great daddy/daughter bonding time. Paul has had fun giving her bottles(Thank you Jenneth for the breast pump) and putting her on his lap as he works on school work or finishes up his work day from home.

I have also started back to singing and will be singing Hansel this weekend in a concert version of "Hansel and Gretel". Being a mom has also allowed me to work on my posture and breath support while carrying around 8 pounds, as I nursed Miss K the other night while singing the 3rd act of H & G(thank you Andrea for teaching me how to sing well enough to be able to do this.)

We also love Skyping these days and have gotten into the habit of talking to my parents or my sister Liz at least once a week on it. It is so great to be able to see your family as you talk to them, and I know it will help Kathryn to know her California family better over the years and miles. You have got to love the internet!

Parenthood is a daily lesson in humility, unconditional love and the importance of prayer! I am continuing to love learning all these lessons.

Looking cute for the camera!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One Month Old Today!

To think she was this small only a month ago!

Wow it is so hard to believe how time flies!!! Today Kathryn is one month old! She is 7 lb. 14 oz and 21 inches long. She is developing well and the pediatrician is pleased with where she is developmentally. We feel so blessed to have this healthy baby and know it is truly a gift from God. We are also so blessed with the friends and family who have been there to pray for us, encourage us, make meals, and come by for visits.

On other family notes, Paul has two more weeks of class and then he will have his master's degree in software engineering. Three years of hard work will come to completion. We are soooooooooooo excited. And for me whenever Kathryn is down for a nap I am trying to practice for "Hansel and Gretel" which will be performing on November 22nd in Lynn with Mass Theatrica, and also starting to put the schedule together and begin working on blocking for the production of "Die Fledermaus" that I will be directing in June. I figure this is a good time to do this while Kathryn is not so mobile!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fun week so far

Hanging out with friends Alisha and Dahlia.

After successfully rolling over!

Listening to Mom practice "Hansel and Gretel"

What a fun week and have had already and it is not even mid-week. On Sunday we got to see lots of friends at church and went out to lunch with a large group of them, what a fun time. We also got a chance to visit with our friend, Alisha and her daughter Dahlia who is two days older than Kathryn. Alisha is also a big reason why I started this blog, as I so enjoy reading hers and finding out what is going on with their family.

Today we have already had a lot of stuff going on. We had a visit from our friends Autumn and Scarlett. They were very encouraging of Kathryn and she ended up rolling over not once, but twice today. I must have been the most giddy person on the planet.

After they left, Kathryn actually listened while I practiced "Hansel and Gretel" and she let me get a whole hour of practicing in. She is really enjoying the music and loves it especially when I sing the opening section of the opera. She also likes when I do the Witch's voice and sing about the mice nibbling the house. It is exciting to think that she was exposed to all this music while inside of me and that she actually likes it(either that or she is bored out of her mind so she decides to fall asleep to escape it!!!)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Free Nursing Cover

I know crazy post, but if anyone is looking for a nursing cover for a mother-to-be or for themselves you should check out You can get $32 coupon by entering the word thanks into the coupon code and get a cover for free. You only have to pay for the shipping, $8.95.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fun day!

Cousin Jeremiah and Kathryn

Uncle Mark and Kathryn

So Kathryn is officially showing off her personality and independence. Today she tried to postpone sleep for a good 5 hours!!!! But on another note we are excited to report that she took her first bottle today without any trouble. She and Paul enjoyed this bonding time while I went to teach a lesson.

This evening we also had some special visitors, her Uncle Mark, Aunt Jenneth and cousin Jeremiah. We had a great time, I colored with Jeremiah and he and his parents all took turns holding her. Family is such a blessing! We have so enjoyed getting a chance to hang out with all of our families and friends and have really appreciated there help, the meals, and their loving support. We are truly blessed.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Family

Little Miss K

Gotta Love this Face!

With the new addition of Kathryn I thought it was about time to start a blog. I figured this would be a great way to keep family and friends connected with the comings and goings of us and also to seeing little Miss K grow up.

Wow, what a blessing it is to have her in our life. She is so full of personality and energy. We our surprised each day as she grows physically and developmentally. This last week she has begun to really look you right in the eyes, and I get so excited whenever she looks right at me. It gives me chills!

Hope you enjoy our blog!